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Paperless Billing


Simplify and cut the clutter when you go paperless with YCNGA e-Bill.
Receive an email reminder and/or text alert when your statement is ready to be viewed online, along with easy access to your billing statements for up to two(2) years.

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Who We Are

Our service area includes all of York County, South Carolina and the Blacksburg area of Cherokee County. Service is not economically feasible in all rural areas, but is generally available in and around Rock Hill, York, Clover, Fort Mill, Tega Cay, River Hills, Smyrna, McConnells, Sharon, Hickory Grove and Blacksburg.

Most densely populated residential subdivisions have service, as do all industrial parks in York County.

YCNGA currently has over 1,800 miles of distribution mains and serves over 73,000 customers.
